Blind spot indicators:
"Where I used to work, WE did it this way, but here, YOU do it that way."
"All we need to do is change the culture."
C 1
Honor and respect the organization’s culture;
know what makes people proud.
Blind spot indicators:
"I have to appear decisive."
"I'm expected to have all the answers."
Wdyt 3
Avoid coming in with the answer by asking others “what do you think?”
Blind spot indicators:
"I need to show that I can handle simultaneous challenges."
"We're focused on 12 key initiatives this quarter."
Fb 5
Maximize the value you add by focusing on fewer, bigger ideas and projects. Delegate!
Blind spot indicators:
"I'm afraid to tell them what them what they 'need' to hear."
"'We'll get the funding by committing to this unrealistic timeline."
Upod 9
Under-promise and over-deliver to maintain credibility and trust; but don’t sand bag
Periodic Table of
Leading With Courage®
Blind spot indicators:
"I need to look and be self-sufficient."
"I don't like starting conversations with strangers."
Rn 2
Build relationships and
network; be approachable
and visible
Rollover each "element" to reveal some indicators of potential blind spots
Blind spot indicators:
"We can't get rid of him because he brought in a big client six years ago."
"But she's been here from the start and she's my good friend."
Hpt 4
Build a high-performing
team by not sticking with under-performers too long
One of the Nine Behaviors
of Leading With Courage®
Blind spot indicators:
"We've always done it this way."
"I prefer to play it safe."
"Let's be fast followers."
In 6
Be open to innovations and new ways of doing things to stay relevant and competitive
Blind spot indicators:
"I'm the CEO so I don't need any more training."
"I don't want to know that much about myself."
Sa 10
Be self-aware of your strengths and blind spots; seek feedback -- regularly; be emotionally intelligent
Blind spot indicators:
"We don't need to tell them about it because they'll never find out."
"I prefer to only share 'good' news."
Ta 7
Foster trust and alignment; alignment and agreement are not the same thing
Blind spot indicators:
"There's a new sheriff in town."
"Do you know who I am?"
"That policy applies to everyone but me."
Hc 11
Be humble and confident, avoid arrogance; leadership Is about what you do, not where you’re seated
Blind spot indicators:
"This is working well for our #1 competitor."
"Our tactics aren't working; we need to change our strategy."
Ws 8
Develop and implement
a winning strategy; influence others to work towards your vision
Blind spot indicators:
"A better offer came along -- an hour ago."
"It's okay that I'm late; I'm the CEO."
"It's your fault for not reminding me to do it."
Mc 12
Meet your commitments
to the best of your ability without reminders from others