Welcome to LWCA's Blog!
Updated: Feb 25, 2020
Our blog features conversations with leaders of and advisors to employee- and family-owned organizations. Each post showcases a senior executive sharing his or her leadership successes, challenges, insights, perspectives and missteps from which all of us can learn.
We’ll be exploring how these leaders cultivate and champion a Culture of Leadership which includes:
The fabric of culture, collaboration, and communication that defines and differentiates their organizations,
The leadership behaviors they encourage,
How they foster trust and accountability to deliver results
Their commitment to continually developing themselves and their current and future leaders and managers, and
How they build relevant organizations that thrive and grow.
New posts will be available about twice a month. They will tend to be longer than what’s most common, taking about 10 minutes to read. We’ve done this to better capture the cadence of the conversation and to stay focused on the individual’s message.
Let us know your thoughts and if you, or someone you know, would like to be featured in a post. Only requirements for the latter are the person needs to be the leader of or an advisor to an ESOP or family-owned company and be a good story teller. You can contact me at Lee@LWCAcademy.com and (312) 827-2643.